The Right Translation is SARL Jacquier-Calbet associés' tradename for language services
Jacquier-Calbet associés is established as an SARL under French Law with a registered capital of € 5,000
Registered with RCS Lille Métropole under No. 477 593 784
APE Code: 7430 Z
Owner Manager: Frédéric Jacquier-Calbet
Registered head office: 92 Bd du Gal de Gaulle - 59100 Roubaix- France
Website: www.therighttranslation.co.uk
E-mail: admin[at]latraduction[dot].fr
Responsible publisher: Frédéric Jacquier-Calbet
Hosting: www.wix.com
Jacquier-Calbet Associés™ is a registered trade mark. Any reproduction or representation which is carried out without the express prior written consent of Jacquier-Calbet Associés constitutes fraudulent imitation. The whole website is protected under French law and International law relating to maintenance of rights of authors, copyright, drawings and designs and patents. Any reproduction, even partial, and by any process whatsoever, of material including text, photographs, illustrations, logos, icons, files made available for downloading, video or sound clips etc. without the express prior written consent of Jacquier-Calbet Associés is prohibited and is illicit. Although Jacquier-Calbet Associés endeavours to keep the Site's contents up to date and to provide Users with accurate information we assume no responsibility for the accuracy of such information. All users should therefore take appropriate action to verify such information.